Has your emotional pain of staying the same become greater than pain to change?
Your story deserves better ending! Unshackle yourself!

My journey of healing has evolved into a mission to serve you,
help you recover from emotional blocks and bring light to the
darkest corners of human beings’ hearts and souls.
Emotional Wellness Techniques

These 2 healing techniques have completely transformed my life and have given me freedom. Not freedom from, not freedom to….. just FREEDOM!
I master in human behavior and emotional wellness, helping individuals and organizations past the emotional blocks that hold them back and I assist them turn their dreams into reality. There is way you see the world through the lense of false beliefs and there are parts of the world you can’t see yet.
My promise to you if we decide to work together and if you are willing to be authentic and to dive deep into healing process, your life will change for better, and you will see the truth! You are worthy!
I can just imagine the power and impact of what I can do and impact I know you are capable of when we remove emotional blocks…….If these two things came together, it would be extraordinary. I am inviting you to experience transformation!
Would you like to have conversation what it might look like for us to create something where I can really serve you powerfully into the future?
I would like to give you taste of healing process, so let’s block 30 minutes to chat!

My Story

Motivated by my own transformation, I have decided to share my story of healing with the world hoping that it would touch others who might be in the same darkness I had once found myself in.
I hope that my journey from depths of emotional pain and suffering to a life filled with purpose will inspire countless souls to rewrite their own narratives.
Samir Bjelanovic
As a person who had experienced enormous emotional pain and now healthy professionally accredited life coach and mentor, I have had the privilege of witnessing countless transformative journeys. There is way you see the world through the lense of false beliefs and there are parts of the world you can’t see yet. Let me help you heal!
Recurring theme in these journeys is healing process that helped me get from jaws of emotional pain to freedom and peace of mind:
Two Cycle Healing (Cycle of Pain and Cycle of Wellness)
Inner Child Healing (Recognize – Reparent - Reset)
Throughout the sessions we will examine false beliefs through Inner Child Healing, let go of same beliefs through Cycle of Pain and Cycle of Wellness Process and replace them with truth! Your life will never be the same!
After you learn the process and become familiar with it, you will be able to use it by yourself in any situation in life.