Healing Process

There is way you see the world through the lense of false beliefs and there are parts of the world you can’t see yet.

Let me help you heal and transform your life!

I’ve done it, so can you! Call me now to start the process of EMOTIONAL HEALING!

As a person who had experienced enormous emotional pain and now healthy professionally accredited life coach and mentor, I have had the privilege of witnessing countless transformative journeys.

Recurring theme in these journeys is healing process that helped me get from jaws of emotional pain to freedom and peace of mind:

– Two Cycle Healing (Cycle of Pain and Cycle of Wellness)

– Inner Child Healing (Recognize – Reparent – Reset)

Throughout the sessions we will examine false beliefs through Inner Child Healing, let go of same beliefs through Cycle of Pain and Cycle of Wellness Process and replace them with truth!

Your life will never be the same! After you learn the process and become familiar with it, you will be able to use it by yourself in any situation in life. My coaching is around insights and breakthroughs, recognizing
false and limiting beliefs! First step is emotional blocks discovery process. I will help you see things you can not see because I am bold enough to ask questions most people would not dare to ask…..bold enough to say things most people would not dare to say.

The insight moment is a remarkable experience where you gain accurate and deep intuitive understanding of yourself, another person or situation, you have a sudden and profound shift in your awareness and world looks slightly different to how it did just moment before. It is that magical instant when a hidden truth or realization emerges, enlightening us about something we had previously been blind to. It’s like a light bulb illuminating a dark room, casting clarity on aspects of our lives that were once confused.

New insight moments can be profoundly transformative, opening the door to new possibilities, perspectives, and truth. They can reshape perception about yourself, world around you and interpersonal relationships. An opportunity for breakthrough happens when we take new awareness generated by the insight moment and use it as a catalyst for change.

By creating new insights, we build transformative bridge that takes us to truth and breakthrough. A breakthrough empowers us to take actions that will completely remove false and limiting beliefs and replace them with truth! You will regain ability to successfully handle life’s stresses and difficult time! You get free from pain!

Samir Bjelanovic


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