My Story
Samir Bjelanovic
Motivated by my own transformation, I have decided to share my story of healing with the world, hoping that it would touch others who might be in the same darkness I had once found myself in.
I hope that my journey from depths of emotional pain and suffering to a life filled with purpose will inspire countless souls to rewrite their own narratives.
I was abandoned and rejected as a child. There was no father around. Lost little boy with huge hole in my heart and soul. Molestation by adult is part of my story. I abused alcohol and drugs. Escape from the war is part of my story. Suicide attempt is part of my story. I’ve stayed in mental institutions.
Major clinical depression and PTSD have been part of my story for three decades. I was broken man emotionally, physically, spiritually, financially. I was hiding my issues behind shiny mask of pretending.
Thankfully my story did not end here.
I am no longer broken. No longer abusing alcohol and drugs. I found way out!
I am also father and grandfather. I was soccer coach for 16 years, traveled the world. I am friend to many and serving others is my purpose today.
For decades, I found myself trapped in a relentless search for a solution to my deep-rooted anguish. I had explored various avenues in my pursuit of relief, consulting psychiatrists, psychologists, and undergoing countless counseling sessions.
Desperate for respite, I even ventured into uncharted territory, undergoing four ketamine treatments, all in the hope of finding solace from my depression, sadness, emotional pain and suffering. It became clear that the work I had done in therapy over the years was beginning to align and fall into place.,
I realized that I had been living my entire life based on a set of false beliefs that
had developed during my formative years, between the ages of four and twelve.
These beliefs were deeply ingrained in my subconscious mind and had been controlling my thoughts and actions without my conscious awareness.
Most of these false beliefs revolved around feeling like a being a victim.
I had convinced myself that I was:
– not good enough, not worthy
– not lovable
– incapable of coping with life’s challenges.
These three main beliefs had become my inner child’s voice, and they held me back from reaching my full potential. However, my conscious mind, which I call my inner adult, knew these beliefs were lies. I understood on an intellectual level that I was deserving of love, capable of handling life’s ups and downs, and inherently worthy. But despite this knowledge, my inner child continued to run the show, like an old habit that was hard to break. It felt familiar and comfortable, even though it perpetuated a cycle of self defeating thoughts and behaviors.
The turning point came during another counseling session when my mentor challenged me to create a formula that would work specifically for me, based on all the knowledge I had acquired through decades of therapy, books I’ve read, and videos I’ve seen. I started to examine my whole life, looking for patterns of behavior.
Intrigued by the possibility of finding solace within myself, I embarked on a path of self-discovery and transformation. It was a daunting task, for I had to confront the painful memories and emotions that I had long buried in the recesses of my mind.
And one hot June day in Palm Springs as I was finishing reading a book called “Letting Go – Pathway to Surrender” by Dr. Hawkins, something incredible happened. It was as if a light bulb switched on in my mind, and everything started to make sense. I finally understood that the root of all my problems stemmed from my childhood and there might be way of reeducating and reparenting this hurt little kid. I’ve found way!
Within one month after hundreds of written pages filled with past patterns and new beliefs, Inner Child Healing Process was born.
Recognize – Reparent – Reset was written and deep inside myself I found way out.
And shortly after that Two Cycles Healing Technique was written and that hole in my heart and soul has been filled with love and freedom! I’ve become my best client.
I am inviting you to experience transformation.
Ask yourself: If I don’t change this situation what it will cost me?